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Levels & Progression

Our class levels are designed to support safe skill progression for a lifetime movement practice. We work to give our students a solid dance foundation so they can grow as movement artists, for years to come. Pole 101 and Pole Level 1 are designed for beginners of all fitness levels. As students progress to higher levels, they will review and integrate lower level skills to build a powerful pole practice.

Beginners I


Pole 101

Pole 101 is your first pole class ever! This class is exclusively for First-Time Students. This class is a fun and sexy welcome to pole dance and floor skills.You will get an introduction to floorwork, pole poses and shapes, grip, muscle engagement and transitions that will facilitate simple spins and dance flow. 


Required Skill: Pole 101 classes are accessible for all fitness levels.

Pole Dance Level 1

This is a beginners pole class. You will leave this class feeling confident, strong and sexy - and excited to continue your pole journey. More advanced students are welcome to take Level 1 classes to review the basics. Level One may also be appropriate for those recovering from an injury or returning from a break. Students in a Level 1 class will have a variety of pole dance experience. 


Required Skills:
Pole Level 1 classes are accessible for all fitness levels.


Key Tricks & Shapes

Master these elements before progression to the next level. Once you feel comfortable with these skills, ask your instructor if you are ready to progress to Level ½.


  • Pole Poses

  • Knee Hugger Spin

  • Around the World

  • Tango/Pirouette 

  • Fireman Spin

  • Chair Spin

  • Crazy Diamond

  • Sunwheel

Beginners II


Pole Dance Level 1/2

Students begin to develop the strength and confidence to lift off the floor, execute simple pole combos and find a pole flow.  We also develop an understanding of how to use momentum on the pole, as well as an understanding of muscle engagement and extension. This class is a bridge between Pole Level 1 and Pole Level 2, and incorporates skills for from both Level 1 & 2.

Required Skills:

Students should attend a minimum of five Level 1 classes before progressing to Level 1/2. Students should have a solid grasp of basic pole spins, combos and floorskills.

Key Tricks & Shapes

Master these elements before progression to the next level. Once you feel comfortable with these skills, ask your instructor if you are ready to progress to Level 2.


  • One & Two hands spins on static

  • Combo Spins

  • Pole Climbs from the floor (2x)

  • Pole Lift from the floor

  • Pole Sit & Hip Lock

  • Creating Shapes in Pole Sit

  • Split Grip Lift - spin and static

  • Bracket Grip

  • Fan Kick

Pole Dance Level 2

Students begin to float and fly as they get comfortable with climbing, inversions and new grip points. We are developing strength and flexibility to lay a foundation for aerial pole tricks and pole performance skills. 


Required Skill:
Students should attend at least twenty Level 1 or Level 1/2 classes before progressing to Level 2. Students should have a solid grasp of one hand pole spins, floor combos, pole sit, climbing and lifts.


Key Tricks & Shapes

Master these elements before progression to the next level. Once you feel comfortable with these skills, ask your instructor if you are ready to progress to Level 2/3.


  • Climbing to the top of the pole

  • Hip, Leg & Knee Holds

  • Basic Invert with dismount

  • Crucifix with dismount 

  • Falling Angel with dismount

  • Cradle Holds

  • Apprentice

  • Iceskater

  • Straddle back

  • Outside leg hang

  • Aerial Lift 

  • Butterfly


Pole Dance Level 2/3

Students will learn a safe approach to challenging new aerial pole skills and incorporate beginner pole skills into a complete idea - a pole pass, a combo or a full freestyle or pole routine. This class is a bridge from beginner to intermediate pole skills.  This class incorporates both Level 2
& Level 3 elements and tricks.  


Required Skill:
Students should attend at least twenty Level 2 classes before progressing to Level 2/3. Students should have a solid grasp of pole combos, climbing, inverts, aerial holds, including Hip, Leg & Knee Holds.


Key Tricks & Shapes

Master these elements before progression to the next level. Once you feel comfortable with these skills, ask your instructor if you are ready to progress to Level 3.


  • Side Climb

  • Outside & Inside leg hang

  • Leg Switches

  • Inverted tuck and pike

  • Pole handstands 

  • Pole Handstands with leg switches

  • Grip with back of knees and inner elbows

  • Grip with armpit and bicep

  • Bird, jasmine, marley (spin and static)

  • Lay backs

  • Shoulder mount from the floor

  • Superman 

  • Ballerina

  • Aerial Invert

  • Extended Butterfly 

  • Brass Monkey

Pole Dance Level 3


In Level Three, we defy gravity!  We focus on developing strength, stamina, and control for aerial pole moves. We also create challenging aerial pole combos.  In Level 3 we go deeper into flexibility training – working on front splits, center splits, back bends and deep hip & shoulder opening.  We want to establish strength, control and clean lines in all of our tricks.  We learn the key holds and grips for aerial tricks and combos. 


Required Skill:
Students should attend at least twenty Level 2/3 classes before progressing to Level 3. Students should have a solid grasp of pole combos, climbing, aerial inverts, including straddle back, inside & outside leg hangs, and aerial combos.

Key Tricks & Shapes

Master these elements before progression to the next level. Once you feel comfortable with these skills, ask your instructor if you are ready to progress to Level 3/4.


  • Inside leg holds and various shapes

  • Outside leg holds and various shapes

  • Circus climbs

  • Superman Combos

  • Ballerina Combos 

  • Aerial Shoulder Mount

  • Shoulder mount combos 

  • Straight leg straddle backs

  • Jade Split

  • Cupid 

  • Ayesha - elbow, split grip, true grip, cup grip

  • Handsprings

  • Ext butterfly


Pole Dance Level 3/4

In Level 3/4, we teach advanced pole
tricks as well as a holistic approach to pole.  Students are able to develop their own tricks, combos, flow and choreo using skills from previous levels. Students at this level can perform a 3-4 min freestyle or choreographed routine.  


Required Skill:
Students should attend at least twenty Level 3 classes before progressing to Level 3/4. Students should have a solid grasp of pole combos, climbing, aerial inverts, including shoulder mounts, superman, butterfly, inside & outside leg hangs.


Key Tricks & Shapes

  • Advanced Flexibility Training

  • Strength Training for Aerial Combos 

  • Aerial Transitions and Combos

  • Understanding Key Grip Points for Advanced Tricks

  • Dynamic Pole Skills

  • Freestyle flow using Level 1-4 pole skills

  • Pole Choreo using Level 1-4 pole skills

  • Creating new moves and combos 

  • Musicality

  • Performance Skills 

  • Static and Spin Pole Combos

  • The latest and greatest pole tricks

Specialty & Styles

Pole Dance classes offer students a general overview of pole skills for each level. In our specialty classes, we dive deeper into specific styles, techniques & training.

Spin Pole

Spin Pole offers a whole new world of tricks, transitions and fun! In this class, we remove the locking pin so that the pole itself spins while we dance. Students learn how to control speed and momentum on spin pole, while learning amazing tricks and combos.

Pole Choreography

This class teaches students how to execute choreographed routines set to a specific piece of music. Students develop musicality, pole tricks, transitions, and style! This class also includes conditioning exercises for strong dance foundation - helping students develop clean lines and strong shapes.


(Sexy Pole Flow)

In this class, students explore the sensual side of pole dance, including floor and heel work, flow skills and sexy styling.

Low Flow Heels

Low flow is grounded pole work without aerial tricks. You will learn intricate floor work to help you navigate from pole to pole, and execute detailed lateral movement around the pole, all with a sensual flow vibe. 

(Work The Floor)

Build your dance skills with this sensual floorwork class - No pole needed! We will break down technical elements of slow, sexy, controlled floorwork in heels. In this class you will develop muscle engagement, precision movement, isolations, floor tricks, and transitions. We will combine these elements to create a flow sequence in every class. This class will help you build your dance vocabulary and give your movement more fluidity and control.

Heel Work,
Tricks & Flow

This class explores dance movement in heels through pole tricks, transitions and combos. Students will learn to integrate pole work, floor work, fluidity, musicality and innovative transitions into a beautiful dance flow.

Flexibility Training

The goal of this class is to increase joint-mobility and push the boundaries of your current range of motion by activating muscles and learning how to create more space in the body. This is a great way to keep your entire body limber and work towards goals such as flatter splits, more open shoulders, tighter forward folds and perhaps an acrobatic transition or two!

Pole Strength
& Conditioning

This is a challenging and rewarding class that combines drills, strength training and body conditioning to increase overall power and endurance. This class is designed for students who want to develop the unique muscle set and power to take their pole skills to the next level. Each student can progress at the pace they choose while still allowing them to push their boundaries and grow.

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